Lítla Dímun

Lítla Dímun Travel Guide

By Verified Expert

Lítla Dímun is the smalles of the 18 Faroe Islands. The island covers a total area of 0,8 sq km.

Lítla Dímun is one of two uninhabited islands in the Faroe Islands. Rávan is the highest point on the island elevating 414 above ocean level.

The top of Lítla Dímun is often cloud covered. Most of the island is sheer cliff from the sea. This makes Lítla Dínum very inaccessible.

You will have a great view of Lítla Dímun from the village Hvalba on Suðuroy island. There is no boat or helicopter route to Lítla Dímun.

There are no dwellings on this marine mountain top. Sheep roam the island all year round.

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